Monday, July 7, 2008


Recently, it was revealed that the late Queen of Mean hotelier Leona Helmsley left $8 billion for the care of canines. (Yeah, I know this is old news, but I've been busy.)

Now that's rich. New York City's own Cruella de Vil's fortune going to the dogs.

I have nothing against dogs, per se. They, after all, have the misfortune of not being cats, so sympathy is certainly in order.

But $8 billion?

According to a piece in the Times, the city's pup population was decidedly unruffled when told of the bone-anza. They barely looked up from their butt-sniffing.

Like they say, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Nor should you - if I may add my 2 cents to the pot - any more than 101 Dalmatians should be used for their fur.

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