Monday, August 4, 2008


Say what you want about Pam Anderson, but this "girl on the loose" has found a fan in me.

True, for a few years now, she's become a caricature of herself. But Pammy is no dummy; she knows she is, and she's cool enough to make fun of herself. Just check out her turn in the loooow-brow blockbuster Borat movie.

And the girl loves animals. Loves them. I'm an animal, so I take special interest in her passion.

On her new show on E!, which mom and I caught last night, she said the two things she "loves the most in life are sex and animal rights."

So Pam's a human blow-up doll. So what. She works her, um, assets off for all they're worth. And if it takes T & A to grab the attention of some barbarian BBQ-er, then I'm glad she's got the goods!

She also put her material assets to good use by putting up a ginormous warehouse full of Pamela-bilia for sale with every penny going to PETA, while her kids made money for the California Wildlife Center with a lemonade stand. Very cool!

(Side note, PETA once sent mom
roses for an item she wrote shaming
some flea-brained fur-wearing celebrity.
Also very cool.)

So mom and I will tune in for the run of her 8-part series, even if, judging by the first episode, the show is a bit of a bore. Gotta support the animal lovers!

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