Sunday, September 7, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Guess what.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
I expect (hear that, mom!) a much better day tomorrow.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tropical storm Fay has been dumping rain on us since I stumbled out of my cozy spot in the closet at 6 this morning for breakfast. Probably was before then, too.
But it's been blowing through very quickly. The outer bands, ma says. A few minutes of rain so dense the parking lot across the street practically disappears. Then calm - the sky a nice, dozy gray. Mom and I even went out on the porch for long while where she brushed me, my fur spiraling up and around in the breeze. I love that.
It's expected to be wetter tomorrow and windier. But no evacuation horrors this time as it's over on Florida's west coast and we're down here hugging the southeast coast. I failed to mention that in my last hurricane post. Easy to be blase when you're not in the bulls-eye!
The year after we moved from the beach bungalow (see Aug. 16 post) to this place, Hurricane Katrina plowed through, its eye passing just south of us. Mom took this photo from the 7-foot windows in our living room.
At this point Katrina was a minimal hurricane, becoming the Cat. 5 monster after reaching the warm Gulf waters.
In our little part of the world, the worst hurricane was yet to come. Wilma struck exactly two months later. Mostly, I remember the wind shrieking as it whipped around the corner of the building, a corner our mostly glass living room is nestled in. From behind the hurricane windows, the folks watched debris large and small shoot up the street as if on high-speed rails.
The cars parked below wiggled and jiggled so much that some ended up angled when they had originally been parked straight. Incredibly, slivers of space remained between the repositioned vehicles and none hit each other.
Then the wind shifted and became so fierce, water blasted up through the windows panes all along the wall where my folks were standing and poured down to the floor. Every towel and blanket was put into action, but still my folks had to wring out the soaked linens into buckets.
When it was all over, almost a third of the state's population was without power - including us. That lasted six long days (for us). But we were lucky. After the water dried up, our window sills and floor were coated in sand, but at least those hurricane windows held out. Some of those in our building who had not upgraded sustained damage to their units when their old windows blew out.
Mom didn't take any pictures of any of this. But while walking to the supermarket a few days later, she spotted something that made her laugh out loud.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
In case you're just joining me, I live in Florida. Hurricane Alley.
Call me jaded, but I can't get worked up over a little wind and rain that I know is coming way in advance. I'm speaking, of course, of Tropical Storm Fay.
Besides, I've been through this before.
A few years back, my folks decided to take a mini-vacation to Key West. They got a deal to stay in a really nice suite for something like $39 a night in exchange for two hours of their lives having some shyster arm-twist them into buying a time share.
Well, they had the last laugh because they put off this requirement 'til their last day in the Conch Republic and, wouldn't you know it, they got kicked out of the resort before they could fulfill it, thanks to a hurricane.
There they were, sweating on some touristy trolley, thinking the guy in the guayabera talking about a mandatory evacuation was just joshing.
But no, the sun was setting on their Key West vacation.
About two weeks after their forever-long crawl up US 1 back home, the alarm was called again. This was the fun one.
We (there were five in our family then; another story) were all living in a bungalow just a few bouncy steps from the beach in what was basically a bowl. That is the technical term.
Frances was a Cat. 4, heading right for us. The storm surge would have howled with laughter at the high ridge of dunes barricading the end of the street and barreled through into the low bowl our little house huddled in and that, my friends, would've been the end of that.
And there was hi-fi equipment and a thousand or so LPs to consider. This was my then almost-dad's (yes, my folks were living in sin) greatest concern.
We were renting and had no insurance. The only thing to do was to secure a storage unit out west, box up all we could and move it all out. We cats were not amused. We hissed to each other about it on the humans' bed while listening to the ocean murmur through the old-fashioned crank windows.
Almost 20 non-stop hours later, mom and dad had packed up everything but the furniture. The worst parts had been the long drives back and forth to the unit and the 20-odd back-breaking boxes of records.
Well, maybe the worst part was installing the hurricane shutters, which they'd never done before, a fact which would have been hysterically obvious to any passers-by.
Then again, the worst part might have been that when the evacuation order was issued, my folks were nevertheless called into work, and just as mom pulled out of the driveway, her year-old Passat inexplicably broke down. It wouldn't go faster than 10 miles an hour.
It limped to the VW dealership just a couple of miles away, but they had already evacuated. No getting a loaner car that day! She left it in their lot in as safe a spot as she could find.
Dad took her to work. After toiling away for a few hours, she finally told the tyrants-that-be, sorry, but she had to leave, and got a rental-car agency to pick her up.
But perhaps the worst bit was, in fact, that after all this, mom and dad had no idea where they actually were going to evacuate to.
There were shelters, but they wouldn't take pets. Mom was not leaving her "babies" behind. I heard her say if she had to, she'd just drive west with us three in the back until storm or, most likely, traffic stopped her.
Dozens and dozens of calls later, a co-worker – bless him! - offered a solution: the condo he'd recently inherited from his father. It was just as he had left it and while it wasn't that far west, it was out of the evacuation zone.
Me, you can throw me in a carrier and let me out anywhere and I just make myself right at home. The boys I shared space with, not so much. Here I am hunkering down in our temporary shelter next to my temporary water bowl.
The power went out well in advance of Hurricane Frances.
It was humid and dark and my pet parents didn't even have a battery-operated radio to listen to. They had to go out and switch on the car radio to get updates on the storm.
To relieve the boredom, they played cards by candlelight. (Too hot, apparently, to do anything else.)
These are my dad's hands shuffling the deck. You can't see it, but he's in boxer shorts. Hee hee.
And that's Syl curled up on the couch after finally calming down. (I can't tell you about him yet because mom will start bawling and, honestly, I don't need to deal with that just now.)
Not sure what the roll of toilet paper was doing there. ...
The storm had stalled. Long days passed before it went on the move again. Luckily for us, it had shifted north and luckily for its new target, it had lost some strength.
When it was finally over, there was damage, but it could have been sooooo much worse.
Below is one of many toppled trees in the neighborhood we had evacuated to.
My folks braved a drive to check out our house and were turned away by police who had blocked the bridge to the barrier island we lived on because of downed lines and debris.
So they checked on mom's car at the VW dealership. Some of the cars didn't fare too well. But, fortunately, that silver Passat in the picture below was not mom's. Hers had come through unscathed. Except, of course, that it was still broken down.
We were out of our home for 10 days, without power for a week of that time.
The neighborhood was still a mess, and the house was pitch dark and bare. As much as mom loved this funky beach town, she suggested that since they had pretty much packed up everything already, they should just move. Somewhere closer to dad's job.
They left all but one small shutter up, just in case.
You'd think they were feline with that kind of prescience. Not long after, they got their third evacuation order in six weeks.
This time, we were back home in under 48 hours.
But they lived out of boxes until they moved two months later. To this place. Another place by the sea.
Maybe they're not so smart after all.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Like many my age, I'm grateful every morning my eyes pop open and I'm in a familiar place with familiar people and familiar scents and familiar food in my familiar plate.
Somehow I don't think that when we die we end up somewhere that looks exactly like where we left, although that would be a wicked trick, wouldn't it.
I'm especially grateful when mom and I can cuddle on the couch and see a tequila sunrise like this one over the Atlantic. (Ignore the dirty window; goodness knows my folks do!)
Yes, life is lovely - grime-covered panes and all.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How can this feline be my sibling?
Oh, right, we're not really related.
Although it is a remote possibility - shudder the thought - considering we're both from New York and were born in the same year.
Anyhoo, best not to dwell on that!
Sophisti-cat that I am, I actually read the paper, see, while Casey here buries his nose in it in quite a different way.
You know, I don't think he's even bright enough to even just look at the pictures.
Does look comfy, though.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The folks are getting ready for dinner. They get to break bread together only twice a week, so dad puts on a little dinner music. (Truth be told, boiling water is reason enough for my dad to put on music, so don't feel so special, mother dear.)
Tonight the selection is Alison Kraus & Union Station's
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
No, me either.
Sure I'm a little out of it, being sick and all, but what's mommy's excuse? (Um, I forgot - Editor, aka Mommy)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Say what you want about Pam Anderson, but this "girl on the loose" has found a fan in me.
True, for a few years now, she's become a caricature of herself. But Pammy is no dummy; she knows she is, and she's cool enough to make fun of herself. Just check out her turn in the loooow-brow blockbuster Borat movie.
And the girl loves animals. Loves them. I'm an animal, so I take special interest in her passion.
On her new show on E!, which mom and I caught last night, she said the two things she "loves the most in life are sex and animal rights."
So Pam's a human blow-up doll. So what. She works her, um, assets off for all they're worth. And if it takes T & A to grab the attention of some barbarian BBQ-er, then I'm glad she's got the goods!
She also put her material assets to good use by putting up a ginormous warehouse full of Pamela-bilia for sale with every penny going to PETA, while her kids made money for the California Wildlife Center with a lemonade stand. Very cool!
(Side note, PETA once sent mom
So mom and I will tune in for the run of her 8-part series, even if, judging by the first episode, the show is a bit of a bore. Gotta support the animal lovers!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I've been a little under the weather lately. Nothing makes me grumpy like a tummy ache. Tell you what, right now I am grum-pay!
Talking about indigestion, I just caught a rerun of Design Star, the one where Tracee gets booted.
Seems to me, HGTV realized quick that if they kicked off her whiny, spiteful, egotistical, delusional, back-stabbing behind, as it deserved to be on Day One, we'd all be reaching for the remote. That's assuming we weren't already fast asleep and drooling on it. Now, I don't mean to be catty - oh, wait, yes I do; cool! - but did this year's group study at the Sears Remedial School of Design? You know, the one in Snoozetown.
Anyway, when Tracee drew team leader for the infamous kitchen challenge, I heard the delightful sound of a nail gun going off on her coffin. And she did herself in, alright, by spending 7 hours shopping, while the others slaved away, returning with, like, 3 tchotchkes, and getting back way after, by her own timetable, the backsplash should've been tiled. Except it was up to her to get the tile. And she did. And she and the tile bonded during a lovely day la-la-lollygagging in various stores.
Stunned that tiling was no longer an option, Tracee declares it's time for creativity. If only! Her plan to fool this poor family into thinking they got their dream kitchen was to paint the bare backsplash brown. I swear she used paint leftover from that so-called sunroom.
Never mind the lame effort, complete with a dishrag for a window valance. Since she failed to lay tile, she, in typical Tracee style, instead tried to lay blame – on everyone and everything else but her. And when that didn't fly, she claimed no one told her, the team leader, that maybe she should've dropped off the tile first. What, you need told?! For real?
So Tracee leaves. And a gracious exit it is. Between sobs she manages to spit out: "These people just don't mean crap to me! ... I'm sick of being around a lot of ignorant people like that."
Pot meet Kettle.
That "ignorant" remark reminds me of the Real Housewives of New York City.
This show's a hoot! Can't wait 'til it comes back on. But can anyone explain why these ladies are friends with Ramona? She's proof that money can't buy class. She looks and sounds like trailer park trash scrubbed down then wrapped up in Prada.
Remember Bethenny's dinner party? Yeah, it was supposed to be a girls' night out, but Alex is, apparently, literally attached at the hip to her hubby, Simon, so he tags along. To a girls' night out. A little weird, those two are. Borderline creepy, even. But Ramona's screeching rudeness? Even Casey here has better manners - and he spits food on the wall! Just as well she gave some b-s excuse and left. Hate. Her.
Whew. Feels good to get that off my furry chest. It's like a dose of antacid!
I'll be doing more of that. Just keep your eye out for Catty Corner.
BTW ... Love Jill! She's such a yenta! Yet, for all her gazillions, she's so down-to-earth, so likable, and best of all she lets her chihuahua - a glorified rat, if you ask me - lick her nostrils clean. Now that's a pet parent for ya. Meanwhile, god forbid I nuzzle (OK, nibble) mommie dearest's armpit.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Yeah, she's strange like that.
Well, given the last presidential election, 62 million people can be horribly wrong, so let me rephrase that: Tazarina is never wrong. Do me proud - and earn me about 2.3 cents in the process - by getting your very own copy of Skinny Bitch right here.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
- Mahatma Gandhi
Sunday, July 13, 2008
They're everywhere.
(And, if this fella is any indication, they're very used to strangers stepping over them.)
As are, oddly enough, chickens.
Oh, who am I kidding? What with these delicate feet.
(Compare with Casey's huge cloppers. He'd fit right in with those six-toed freaks!)
Still, a kitty can dream. ....