Friday, July 11, 2008


There are those who backup their computers and those who will.

Guess which group we belong in?

Here I was, thrilled to pieces to meet my first paw pal Lucy Liu, when all of a sudden mommy gasped so hard she sucked all the air out of the room. Literally. Now I couldn't breathe! Do I dash out of the room? Do I brave almost certain death to find out why mom suddenly looks like a corpse? Albeit one hogging all the oxygen, mind you. Well, I'm a cat, after all, so curiosity kept my tushy firmly planted.

Seems iPhoto crashed. And where thousands of pix once appeared in neat little rows, dated and organized, there, on mom's beloved iMac, was just a blank, white screen. Blank except for a very scary error message.

Now my little heart was thumping. Can you imagine, wiped out, all those pictures - of ME?!! It was too much to take. I had to go lie down.


After a snooze, a snack and a long bath, I checked in on mom. Uh, oh. This was serious now: Dad had joined in, nearly assuring my photos would be lost forever. Mommy needed IT - and dad wasn't it! I told myself, Tazzie, calm down, there's only one thing to do. Eat.

My strategy of indifference worked. (You know, none of these things move me.) Somehow after lots of clicking and cursing and scouring through Apple's about-useless help files, the photos were restored. Catastrophe averted.

As I headed for that spot under the coffee table, I heard my folks saying they were going to look into getting a backup system. ... Tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Hello Tazarina,
I'm Osiris your cousin from NYC. Next time just call your Brother or Sister in Law. They are really good with the macs. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice iMac and clutter free workstation!