Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Finally, a new friend! 

This is Lucy Liu from West Virginia - not to be confused with the Kill Bill actress (not at all cuddly). I'm going to let her introduce herself and her family to you in her own words:

Hi there Tazarina!

My name is Lucy Liu. I am an oh-so-cute orange tabby.

My mommy and daddy adopted me from a local shelter. I had lived there for three months and had been to the "back room" (as they called it) four times!! The nice shelter director liked me so much that she kept bringing me back up front to the office where I stayed in a comfy two-story condo. People would walk past me and say how pretty I was, but no one took me home till my Mommy came back and said, "Is she still here?? You mean no one took her yet? Well, just bring me a carrier and I will take her!"

The reason I went to that shelter was because I was a stray. I don't even remember why I got lost. But it worked out for the best. I will never leave my yard again!

I go out on the deck with my two sisters, a toy poodle (just adopted in May) who's 2 years old, and PO, my longtime sister. We are the same age and I practically grew up with her. PO is part Pug and Jack Russell, and she plays the Mommy figure with us. She will even watch over us in the yard. A Mother hen, so to speak.

The new one - Sophie Michele - really loves me! We lay together all the time. She does get into my food and Mommy had to move it to a higher place, so the Jumpin' Bean doesn't get to it. I am amazed at how she goes Boing, boing, boing!

I saw your pictures and you are a cutie pie yourself!! Love how you look on the deck! Catching some rays while you play with those bugs? Bugs are the best because you can play with them for a long time...until our Mommies take them away! I'm not sure what a Palmetto bug is...hmmm. Mommy is going to look it up..lol.

Anyway, this is a great kitty site and I will email you again sometime. Maybe my cousins will email you too! There are four more kitties in the family and they don't live too far from me.

You and your brother, Casey, seem to be such rounded individuals. Casey impressed me doing people puzzles. Wow!! With the puzzle in hand, he looks so serious and highly intelligent. And you are one witty chick yourself! 

Meow, Meow!
Lucy Liu from WV

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